Big Data Analytics for Smart Cities 智慧城市中的大数据分析
Date:October 24th, 2016
Time: 10:00-12: 00
Meeting Place: RAYBET雷竞技318教室
Speaker:Tao Cheng
Abstract: More than half of the world’s population are now living in urban areas, which places city infrastructures under increasing pressure. Energy and water scarcity, traffic congestion, waste disposal and safety risks from ageing infrastructures are the challenges that big cities are facing. With the development of internet and mobile technology, cities and people are more connected than ever which generated large volume of data.
This talk will give a showcase of using space-time analytics to mine these “big” data (such as transport, crime, health and social media data) to tackle challenges in big cities, and to deliver intelligent service and government towards smart cities.
Biography: Tao Cheng is a Professor in GeoInformatics at University College London (UCL) whose research interests span network complexity, Geocomputation, integrated spatio-temporal analytics (modelling, prediction, clustering, visualization and simulation) and Big data mining with applications in transport, crime, health, social media, and natural hazards. Prof Cheng has studied and lectured in China, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, France and the UK. She has worked with many government and industrial partners in the UK including Transport for London, the London Metropolitan Police Service, Public Health England and Arup. Prof Cheng is the founder and Director of SpaceTimeLab for Big Data Analytics (, a multi-disciplinary research center at UCL that aims to gain actionable insights from geo-located and time-stamped data for government, business and society.