时间:3月2日下午 15:00
李雋永Arthur Lee
Educational and Working Experiences
22 February 2012 (增订本Updated)
教育和学习经验Educational Experience:
台湾国立成功大学-National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (1969-1973)
科学与工程学士-Bachelor of Science and Engineering Degree (1973)
Ø 奬学金-Scholarships: 陈诚先生奖学金(当时台湾最高荣誉的奖学金之一),科工会奖学金(全球性),杰出侨生奖学金
Ø 学习及研究领域-Undergraduate, Graduate Studies and Research Areas: 固态物理-Solid-state Physics, 古典及量子力学-Classic and Quantum Mechanics, 特殊及广义相对论-Special and General Relativity Theories, 原子核及电子磁共振-Nuclear and Electron Spin Resonance, 量子化学-Quantum Chemistry, 有机化学-Organic Chemistry, 催化剂-Catalysis, 表面化学-Surface Chemistry, 化学及仪器分析-Chemical and Instrumental Analyses, 材料科学-Material Sciences, 塑料制造技术-Polymer and Plastic Production and Processing Technologies, 石油炼制技术-Petroleum Refining Technologies, 化学工程-Chemical Engineering, 电子电路设计及工程-Electronic Design and Engineering, 电力工程-Electrical Engineering
美国加州大学,洛杉矾分校-University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA (1975-1978)
Ø 研究所学习及研究领域-Graduate Studies and Research Areas: 等离子物理-Plasma Physics, 统计量子力学-Statistical Quantum Mechanics, 超导体-Super-Conductor, 建造等离子加速器-Construction of Plasma Accelerator, 分子冲击-Molecular Beam Collision, 表面等离子-Surface Plasma, 表面化学-Surface
Ø (继上页的研究所学习及研究领域) Chemistry, 太空合金表面分析-Aero-space Alloy Surface Analyses, 燃烧量子力学-Quantum Physics in Combustion Process, 反应器分析-Reactor Analysis, 天文与天体物理-Astrophysics, 利用超级计算机仿真模拟超导体控制系统-Mathematic Modeling of Superconducting System Control using Supercomputers (CDC 6600, CDC 7600, CDC STAR-100 and Cray-1), 计算机科学-Computer Science, 发展计算机解偏微分方程式语言-Partial Differential Equation Language (PDEL) Development, 材料科学-Material Sciences, 电子显微镜-Electron Microscopes, X光及电子散射-X-Ray and Electron Diffractions, 磁共振成像-Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and 发展和制造各类质谱仪-various type of Mass Spectrometers Development
Ø 因医生验定家母患得后期癌症,需要立即治疗。 所以停学,以工作收入医疗家母。 家母幸能克服此后期癌症,享年83岁而终。-Stopped schooling due to Mother’s Terminal Cancer, helped Mother to overcoming the Cancer and extending her life until 83 years old.
美国南加州大学-University of Southern California (USC), USA (1983-1987)
科学硕士及工程博士候选人-Master of Science Degree and PhD Candidate in Engineering General
Ø 研究所学习、教授及研究领域-Graduate Studies, Teaching and Research Areas: 环境保护工程-Environmental Engineering, 化学工程-Chemical Engineering, 石油工程-Petroleum Engineering, 大气层科学-Atmospheric Science, 地质学-Geology, 地质化学-Geochemistry in Kerogen, Preasphaltene, Asphaltene, Bitumen, 油页岩-Oil Shale, 页岩油-Shale Oil, 重原油-Heavy Crude Oil and 油砂-Oil (Tar) Sands, 薄膜化学-Membrane Mimetic Chemistry, 超声波-Ultrasonic, 电解学-Electrolysis, 油床3D计算器仿真模拟-3D-Crude Oil Reservoir Simulation, 原油探测及开采-Exploration and Drilling, 开发清洁再生能源-Renewable Energy Development, 能源管理-Energy Resource Management, 微生物学、分子生物学及納米技術-Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Nanotechnology
Ø 专利权-Patent Obtained: 新创技术在低温和常压下把重油、页岩油和油砂油的油质提升-Upgrading Heavy Crude Oil, Shale Oil and Oil Sands in Low Temperature and Ambient Pressure
Ø 中国油页岩研究成果-China Oil Shale Research: 新技术在低温和常压下把抚顺和茂名页岩油提取及油质提升。 论文发表在1988北京的联合国研讨会上-Extraction and Upgradation of撫順 and茂名Oil Shale in Low Temperature and Ambient Pressure; paper published in the United Nation Conference, Beijing, 1988
Ø 因为环境保护和社会科技公司提供个人一个特别的行政副总裁兼工程部门及九个研究发展实验室总监工作机会,所以在1987年停学上任新职。-Suspended schooling for a career opportunity in a position as Executive Vice-President of the Environmental and Social Technology Corporation
工作经验Working Experience:
台湾国科会和国立成功大学-National Science Council and National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (1973-1974)
Ø 电子共振实验室助理研究员-Research Assistant, Electron Spin Resonance Laboratory
Ø 研究领域-Research Areas: Carbon Black Semi-conducting Material, Electron Transfer Mechanism in Solid-state Catalysts
Ø 国立成功大学物理系硕士学位考试委员会委员-Honor Member of the Master of Science Degree in Physics Examination Committee at the National Cheng Kung University
Ø 聯合工業研究所和國立成功大學研究和技術發展成員-Member of Research and Development Team – 我们的研究团队成功地在台湾发展制造树脂电子线路版(PCB)和开创用树脂及玻璃纤维制造网球拍和浴缸的技术。 为台湾七十年代经济起飞做出了贡献-Developed manufacturing resin-based Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Fiber Reinforced Plastic tennis racket and bathtub technologies, transferred the
manufacturing technologies to private industry, and contributed a part of the foundation in the Taiwan Economic Miracle.
美国国际动力技术公司-Kinetic Technology International, Inc., USA (1978-1980)
计算机部门主管-Head of Computer Department
Ø 专门负责用CDC大型及超级计算机作热传、蒸馏仿真模拟和计算机辅助设计(CAD)项目-In Charge of Heat Transfer, Distillation Simulation and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) projects using CDC Main-farm and Supercomputers
Ø 参与编写超过8万8千句FORTRAN计算机程式-Participated in writing more than 88,000 FORTRAN programming statements
美国Flour工程设计及建造公司-Flour Engineers and Constructors, USA (1980-1982)
工艺、化工及项目管理工程师-Process, Chemical and Project Engineer
Ø&n, bsp;参与现代化及改造Texaco加州炼油厂和Tosco的流体化反应器工程项目-For projects in Modernization and Revamping of Texaco Petroleum Refining Plant, Wilmington, California and
Tosco Fluidized Reactor, Avon, California
Ø 参与设计全面计算机化控制(TDC)系统和仿真模拟各种不同的炼油操作单元-Participated in Total Distribution Control (TDC) system design and computer simulation of various petroleum refining units
美国ART工程系统公司-ART Engineering System, USA (1982-1984)
,资深顾问及行政统监-Director and Principle Consultant
Ø 帮助台湾工业技术研究院建立全台湾工业材料的计算机数据库。 加强了台湾工业界对工业材料选择的决策和利用效益-Consultant for 工業技術研究院 (Industrial Technology Research Institute, ITRI), Taiwan in the development of a Computerized Data Base
for Industrial Materials of various industries; improving the decision making process and the utilization efficiency
of industrial materials
Ø 参与台湾经济部长赵耀东先生发起的绿化全台湾工业界运动-Participated in 赵耀东先生 - Greening the Taiwan Industry Action Project
Ø 提供控制工程服务,把新的全面计算机化控制(TDC)系统更换旧的空气控制系统-Provided services in Replacing of Pneumatic Control systems by Total Distribution Control (TDC) systems
美国能源和环境保护研究实验室-Energy and Environmental Research Laboratory, USA (1984-1988)
研究和开发部门总监-Director of Research and Development Department
Ø 专门负责开发清洁再生能源,大气层科学,激光,纳米技术,太阳光电转化,各种不同的光、声音、微波和卫星遥感技术,资源探测,2D 至 3D转换和全息影像项目的研究工作-In Charge of Renewable Energy, Atmospheric Science, Laser, Nanotechnology, Photo Voltaic and Solar Energy Conversion,
Various Types of Sensor Development in Optical, Acoustic, Microwave and Satellite Remote Sensing, Resource Exploration, 2D-to-3D Image Conversion, Holographic Imaging Projects
Ø 为多所大学和政府机构提供高科技教授和训练课程-Teaching and Training at various universities for the US Government
美国环境保护和社会科技公司-Environmental and Social Technology, Inc., USA (1987-1991)
行政副总裁-Executive Vice-President,
工程部门总监-Director of Engineering Department
Ø 独立研究发展并制造了一套可处理被石油化合物污染的泥土和有毒害废弃物设备-Developed, engineered, permitted and constructed new equipment for treating petroleum and hazardous material contaminated
solid wastes
Ø 处理多个政府的土地及地下水污染区-Clean-up of the US Government contaminated sites
Ø 利用计算机作3D 地下水污染扩散足迹和海水入侵地下水源的仿真模拟-3D Computer simulation of groundwater contaminant dispersion and seawater intrusion projects
Ø 完成大量被石油化合物污染泥土,空气污染和废水清洁的处理项目-Numerous petroleum, hazardous material contaminated soil treatment, air quality purification and improvement, and various
wastewater treatment projects
九个研究发展实验室总监-Director of 9 Laboratories
(1) 清洁再生能源研究发展-Renewable Energy, (2) 处理固体废弃物技术研究发展-Solid Waste Technology, (3) 微生物学技术研究发展-Microbial Biology, (4) 分子生物学技术研究发展-Molecular Biology, (5) 处理废水技术研究发展-Waste Water Treatment Technology, (6) 泥土地质学技术研究发展-Soil Geology, (7) 分析仪器研究发展- Analytical Instrument, (8) 两个气相色谱仪/质谱仪分析研究发展-Two Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrum (GC-MS), 和-and (9) 化学分析研究发展实验室-Analytical Chemistry Laboratories
美国环宇科技网络公司-Universal Technology Network, Inc., USA (1992-2010)
资深技术顾问及行政总裁-President and Principal Technology Consultant
组织综合技术专家团队提供下面所列举的多元化技术服务。 我们的宗旨是为我们的客户解决问题-A professional team worked for private industries and the US Government in:
Ø 计算机技术和仿真模拟-Computer Science and Simulation: 2D至3D转换和設計与裝配多媒体系统-2D-to-3D Video Transformation and Multi-Media programming, 3D和4D仿真模拟-3D and 4D Simulation, 计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)项目Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM), 为个别客户设计所需要的高速数据输送系统和计算机网络系统-Custom-made Data Highway and Computer Network, 全面计算机化控制(TDC)系统-Total Distribution Control, 炼油及制造生产控制系统-Refining and Manufacturing System Control System, 自动数据采集与监控-Automatic Data Acquisition, 工业材料的计算机数据库和分配系统-Distribution of Industrial Materials Data Base, 自动存貨清单和物流分配系统-Automatic Inventory/Logistic Distribution System
Ø 电子及电机工程-Electronic and Electrical Engineering: 电子电路设计-Circuit Design, 智能电力网设计及工程建设-Intelligent Electricity Distribution Network Design and Engineering, 通讯系统分析-Communication System Analysis
Ø 物理-Physics: 等离子物理-Plasma Physics, 太阳光电转化研究-Solar Energy and Photo Voltaic Research, 全息影像的研究-Holography, 3D光学与声学系统-3D Optical and Audio Systems, 超声波-Ultrasonic, 微波-Microwave, 卫星遥感技术-Satellite Remote Sensing, 超导体-Super-Conductor, 固态物理-Solid-state Physics, 原子核及电子磁共振-Nuclear and Electron Magnetic Resonance, 高能量分子加速器-High-Energy Molecular Beam
Ø 化学-Chemistry: 薄膜化学-Membrane and Mimetic Chemistry, 催化剂-Catalysis, 化学和仪器分析研究发展-Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation, 电镀-Electroplating
Ø 材料科学-Material Science: 分子结构设计和纳米技术研究和开发-Molecular Structure Design and Nanotechnology, 各类热塑料,树脂塑料和树脂/碳、玻璃纤维塑料研究发展-Thermal, Thermal-Setting and Fiber-Reinforced Plastics (FRP), 多层线路版设计和应用-Making of Multilayer Printed Circuit Board and FRP Applications
Ø 化石燃料地质和地质化学-Petro-Geology and Geo-Chemistry: 炼油厂工程设计及建造-Petroleum Refining Engineering and Construction, 石油探测和油床仿真模拟研究-Petroleum Exploration and Reservoir Simulation, 在低温和常压下把页岩油和重油的油质提升研究-Oil Shale and Heavy Crude Oil Up-grading at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure Research
Ø 精密机械-Precision Mechanics: 精密机械和机器人设计及建造-Mechanical Motion and Robotic Design
Ø 人体科学和数学研究-Medical Research and Mathematics: 应用多维空间数学研究人体「气」的存在-Multi-Dimension Mathematic Modeling in 气 (Qi) Energy Research
美国环球科技及管理公司Global Technology and Management, Inc., USA (1994-2010)
资深技术顾问、项目管理总监及行政总裁--领导和管理综合技术和管理专家团队提供下面列举的多元化的服务。 我们的宗旨是为我们的客户研发新技术及解决各项管理问题-President, Director of Project Management and Principal Consultant of a Professional Team in:
Ø 环境保护科学和工程-Environmental Sciences and Engineering: 研发新技术,应用微生物和化学处理固态和有毒害废弃物及变压器絕緣油(多氯联苯, PCB)-Bacterial and Chemical Remediation of Solid Wastes and Hazardous Wastes, Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Treatment Research; 利用计算机作3D地下水污染扩散足迹的仿真模拟和清理地下水污染-Ground-water Contamination Simulation and Clean-up; 污水处理Waste-water Treatment; 已完成超过60个工程设计,许可证申请及清洁处理项目-Design, Engineering, Permitting and Construction of more than 60 contamination treatment sites
Ø 完成建造了一个完整的固态和有毒害废弃物处理中心-Engineering, Permitting and Construction: American Remediation Technology Corporation for treating petroleum and hazardous
contaminated solid wastes
Ø 为多过十个客户解决了他们公司的管理问题-Solving Management Problems: More than 10 management projects for private industries and the US Government
在香港退体後的工作綱要-Summary of Work in Hong Kong after Retirement (2010-present)
为大中华地区推进技术交流、研究与开发,工程设计和建造-Technology Exchange, Research and Development; Engineering and Construction for the Greater China in:
Ø 促进对地区性天气变化的了解、研究并做出有建设性的行动-Promoting, Educating, Conducting Research and Combating Climate Change by energy saving and carbon emission reduction
Ø 促进资源管理,公共政策的选择和决定,长远规划水资源的利用、准确预测天气变化、治水从天和减少洪旱之灾难-Promoting Resource Management, Decision Making for Public Policy, Long-term planning for water resources utilization, Prediction of Climate Change to reducing loss during the flooding and the drought
Ø 促进由个人、省市、致全国进行碳贸易,可由我国的香港、两省和五市开始-Promoting Carbon Trading from individuals, city-wide, regional and national-wide, especially starting from Hong Kong, 2 provinces and 5 cities in China
Ø 通过教育工作,提倡绿色建筑以节省能源及减低碳的排放。 个人已从香港的公开大学开始-Providing education services at universities in Hong Kong, starting with the Green Building Design and Management at the Open
University of Hong Kong (OUHK)
Ø 促进天气变化国际会议在中国举行:特别强调「水气」是重要的大气温室气体和它在水资源管理的重要性-Promoting International Conference in Climate Change, especially for one of the most important green-house gases: water in relating to the water resource management
Ø 促进中国天气变化记录片的拍摄:特别强调天气变化和水资源管理的重要性-Promoting to make documentary films for Climate Change and Relationship with Water Management in Greater China
Ø 努力研究我国的天气变化,这是需要多种专业的合作。 希望早日能够团结各方的力量,达到「治水从天」和减少洪旱之灾难-Writing several books in discussing the truth of multi-disciplinary requirements in the Atmospheric Science Research
从1981至1988年,已经找到8篇论文的标题及其发表的年份。 它们分别是:
1. “非恒温和非牛顿学说的煤液化动力机理-Non-isothermal and Non-Newtonian Kinetics of Short Residence Time Coal Liquefaction Process,” 1981
2. “过氧化氢在沥青油胶束交替转化过程中所扮演的作用-The Role of Peroxides Reacting with Asphaltic Oil in Micellar Inversion Process,” 1986
3. “用显微镜研究和证实沥青油胶原(经特殊的物理和化学方法)可转变成表面活性剂-Microscopic Studies of Bitumen Derived Surfactant Vesicles,” 1987
4. “一特效溶解化学方法成功地将褐煤质量提升-A Novel Chemical Solubilization Process Beneficiation of Lignite,” 1987
5. A. S. Lee, M. A. Sadeghi, T. F. Yen, “新的特效方法成功地将澳洲斯图亜地区油页岩中的有机物释放出来-Characterization of the Stuart Oil Shale System: I. New Method of Releasing Organic Matter,” Energy & Fuels, 1988, pp 88-93 (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ef00007a013)
6. “用创新技术将茂名油页岩的有机物和矿物质在低温和常压下成功地分离-Dissociation of Organic and Mineral Matrix of Maoming Oil Shale at Low-Temperature and Ambient-Atmosphere,” 1988
7. “用创新技术将重原油在低温和常压下提高原油质量-Upgrading of Heavy Crude at Low-Temperature and Ambient-Atmosphere,” 1988
8. A. S. Lee and T. F. Yen, “微生物技术来提高原油采收率书中第12章: 利用微生物技术来提高原油采收率在环境保护工程上的议论-Environmental Engineering Issues in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, Chapter 12 of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery: Principle
and Practice” 1988, CRC Press, pp 147-156 (http://www.amazon.com/Microbial-Enhanced-Oil-Recovery-T-F/dp/0849351421#_)
Note: One can find Chapter 12 by checking into the Table of Contents at this Amazon website for selling this CRC book.
(一)成功地应用物理方法、地质化学、薄膜化学及纳米技术原理,把远古的油母(Kerogen - 脱水的生物细胞经地层压力和温度长时间变化而成的高分子有机物质)用创新技术在交替转化过程后转化成多层活性油胶囊。
利用显微镜的透射和反射光学原理,证明了多层活性油胶囊液态结晶的存在(请参阅有关的显微镜照片)。 这些研究成果已发表在1988年联合国在北京举行的国际研讨会议、加拿大亜伯达(Alberta - 世界油砂最大藴藏地区)的重油国际研讨会议和美国最重要的科学期刊上。 这套创新技术已获得美国的专利权。