Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Political Science and
Public Administration
Ⅰ.Educational Objectives
This program intends to cultivate students with basic theories and expertise in political science, and public administration, as well as relevant theories and techniques in electronic government, fundamentals and methods in modern economics and management. And abilities in English speaking、listening、writing and reading to take a job in Party and government organizations, organizations involving foreign countries or nationals business and facilities, and social organizations.
Ⅱ.Skills Profile
Students in this major study basic theory and knowledge of political science、public administration and economics, receive basic training in public administration, public policy analysis, e-government, social research and statistics and cultivate basic abilities of investigation, research, analysis, judgement, organization and coordination .
Graduates in this major should acquire knowledge and capabilities as follows:
(1) Understand basic theories of political science,public administration and economics;
(2) Master basic technologies and methods of e-government, as well as analytical skills of systems, statistics andinvestigation;
(3) Understand political system, policy decision process, executive process as well as party and government management laws, institution, general and specific policies;
(4) Master basic methods and means of document reference and data inquiring.
Ⅲ.Program Features
Emphasize on the intersection and integration of social science the natural science.
This program requires students to master some scientific knowledge related to the major courses, such as mathematics,economics , management and electronic government, understand and grasp the theory and knowledge of political science and public administration deeply, and keep abreast of discipline frontier and its future development.
Take e-government as feature
This program emphasizes on training information technical skills and practical capabilities of public administration, and requires students to gain qualities and abilities to take a career in e-government, including basic theory and knowledge of e-government, e-government technology, e-government solutions and information security.
Ⅳ.Major Discipline
政治学与行政学Political Science & Public Administration
Ⅴ.Length of Schooling and Degree
Duration:4 years
Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Law
Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):224
Minimum Extracurricular Credits:5
1. 课程体系学时与学分
Hours/Credits of Course System
课程类别 |
课程性质 |
学时/学分 |
占总学分比例(%) |
通识教育基础课程 |
必修 |
968/60.5 |
32.9 |
选修 |
96/6 |
3.3 |
学科基 础课程 |
学科大类基础课程 |
必修 |
344/21.5 |
11.7 |
学科(专业)基础课程 |
必修 |
624/39 |
21.2 |
选修 |
120/7.5 |
4.1 |
专业课程 |
专业核心课程 |
必修 |
376/23.5 |
12.8 |
选修 |
208/13 |
7.1 |
专业方向课程 |
必修 |
64/4 |
2 |
选修 |
144/9 |
4.9 |
合计 |
2944/184 |
Course Classified |
Course Nature |
Hrs/Crs |
Percentage (%) |
Basic Courses in General Education |
Required |
968/60.5 |
32.9 |
Elective |
96/6 |
3.3 |
Basic Courses in Discipline |
Basic Courses in General Discipline |
Required |
344/21.5 |
11.7 |
Basic Courses in Discipline |
Required |
624/39 |
21.2 |
Elective |
120/7.5 |
4.1 |
Major Courses |
Common Core Courses in Specialty |
Required |
376/23.5 |
12.8 |
Elective |
208/13 |
7.1 |
Specialty-Oriented Courses |
Required |
64/4 |
2 |
Elective |
144/9 |
4.9 |
Total |
2944/184 |
2. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分
Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training
实践教学环节名称 |
课程性质 |
周数/学分 |
占实践环节总学分的比例(%) |
军事训练 |
必修 |
2/2 |
5.0 |
公益劳动 |
必修 |
1/1 |
2.5 |
认知实习 |
必修 |
5/5 |
12.5 |
专业实习 |
必修 |
5/5 |
12.5 |
生产实习(社会实践) |
必修 |
4/4 |
10.0 |
课程设计 |
必修 |
3/3 |
7.5 |
科研训练 |
必修 |
5/5 |
12.5 |
毕业论文 |
必修 |
15/15 |
37.5 |
合计 |
40/40 |
Internship & Practical Training |
Course Nature |
Weeks/Credits |
Percentage (%) |
Military Training |
Required |
2/2 |
5.0 |
Laboring for Public Benefit |
Required |
1/1 |
2.5 |
Cognitive Practice |
Required |
5/5 |
12.5 |
Professional Social Practice |
Required |
5/5 |
12.5 |
Engineering Internship (Social Practice) |
Required |
4/4 |
10.0 |
Course Project |
Required |
3/3 |
7.5 |
Scientific Research Training |
Required |
5/5 |
12.5 |
Undergraduate Thesis |
Required |
15/15 |
37.5 |
Total |
40/40 |
3. 课外学分
Extracurricular Credits
序号 |
课外活动名称 |
成果形式及级别 |
记学分数 |
1 |
社会实践活动 |
提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者 |
1 |
个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者 |
2 |
2 |
英语及计算机考试 |
全国大学英语六级考试 |
考试成绩达到学校要求者 |
2 |
全国计算机等级考试 |
获二级以上证书者 |
2 |
全国计算机软件资格、水平考试 |
获程序员证书者 |
2 |
获高级程序员证书者 |
3 |
获系统分析员证书者 |
4 |
3 |
竞赛 |
校级 |
获一等奖者 |
3 |
获二等奖者 |
2 |
获三等奖者 |
1 |
省级 |
获一等奖者 |
4 |
获二等奖者 |
3 |
获三等奖者 |
2 |
全国 |
获一等奖者 |
6 |
获二等奖者 |
4 |
获三等奖者 |
3 |
4 |
论文 |
在全国性刊物发表论文 |
每篇论文 |
2~3 |
5 |
科研 |
视参与科研项目时间与科研能力 |
每项 |
1~3 |
6 |
实验 |
视创新情况 |
每项 |
1~3 |
No. |
Extracurricular Activities and Social Practice |
Requirements |
Extracurricular Credits |
1 |
Activities of Social Practice |
Submit report and pass oral defense |
1 |
Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province |
2 |
2 |
Examinations in English and Computer |
CET-6 |
Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements |
2 |
National Computer Rank Examination |
Win certificate of Band-2 or higher |
2 |
National Computer Software Qualification |
Win certificate of programmer |
2 |
Win certificate of Advanced Programmer |
3 |
Win certificate of System Analyst |
4 |
Continue |
3 |
Competitions |
University Level |
Win first prize |
3 |
Win second prize |
2 |
Win third prize |
1 |
Provincial Level |
Win first prize |
4 |
Win second prize |
3 |
Win third prize |
2 |
National Level |
Win first prize |
6 |
Win second prize |
4 |
Win third prize |
3 |
4 |
Thesis |
Those whose thesis appears in national publications |
Per piece |
2~3 |
5 |
Scientific Research |
Depending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project |
Each item |
1~3 |
6 |
Experiments |
Depending on innovative extent |
Each item |
1~3 |
Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.
Ⅶ.Main Courses in Specialty
政治学原理Political Science、当代中国政府与政治 Temporary China Politics and Government、中国政治制度史The History of China Political System、西方政治思想史The History of West Political Thought、电子政务的理论与实践The Theory and Practice of E-Governmerit、网络基础与网络技术Network Theory and Technology、网络安全与管理Network Security and Management、办公自动化概论Introduction to Office Automation、公共政策分析Public Policy Analysis、行政法Administration Law 、公共管理学Public Administration、社会中介组织管理Social Intermediary Organization Management
Ⅷ.Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)
军事训练Military Training、公益劳动Labouring for Public Benefit、社会调查Social Research Practice、毕业论文Undergraduate Thesis
Ⅸ.Table of Teaching Schedule
院(系):RAYBET雷竞技 专业:政治学与行政学
School (Department): School of Public Administration Specialty: Political Science and Public Administration
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
必 修 Required |
0301901 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law |
48/3 |
12 |
36 |
续表 |
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
通识教育基础课程General Education Courses |
必 修 Required |
0100721 |
中国近现代史纲要 Survey of Modern Chinese History |
32/2 |
8 |
24 |
必 修 Required |
0100731 |
马克思主义原理 Theory of Marxism |
48/3 |
12 |
36 |
必 修 Required |
0100321 |
毛泽东思想概论、邓小平理论概论和“三个代表”重要思想概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Representations” |
96/6 |
32 |
64 |
必 修 Required |
0510071 |
中国语文 Chinese |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0500015 |
大学英语(一) College English (Ⅰ) |
56/3.5 |
56 |
必 修 Required |
0500017 |
大学英语(二) College English (Ⅱ) |
56/3.5 |
56 |
必 修 Required |
0500019 |
大学英语(三) College English (Ⅲ) |
56/3.5 |
56 |
必 修 Required |
0503019 |
大学英语(四) College English (Ⅳ) |
56/3.5 |
56 |
必 修 Required |
0700011 |
微积分(一)上 Calculus (Ⅰ) |
88/5.5 |
88 |
必 修 Required |
0700012 |
微积分(一)下 Calculus (Ⅰ) |
88/5.5 |
88 |
必 修 Required |
0100731 |
大学体育(一) Physical Education (Ⅰ) |
16/1 |
16 |
必 修 Required |
0400111 |
大学体育(二) Physical Education (Ⅱ) |
16/1 |
16 |
必 修 Required |
0400121 |
大学体育(三) Physical Education (Ⅲ) |
16/1 |
16 |
必 修 Required |
0400131 |
大学体育(四) Physical Education (Ⅳ) |
16/1 |
16 |
必 修 Required |
1200011 |
军事理论 Military Theory |
16/1 |
16 |
必 修 Required |
1301371 |
学科导论 Introduction of Public Administration |
16/1 |
16 |
必 修 Required |
0800171 |
大学计算机基础 Introduction to Computer Technology |
32/2 |
12 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0812221 |
VB语言程序设计 VB Language Procedure Design |
56/3.5 |
20 |
56 |
续表 |
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
必 修 Required |
0827041 |
数据库技术与应用 Applications for Database Technology |
48/3 |
16 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0700051 |
线性代数(一) Linear Algebra(Ⅰ) |
40/2.5 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0700063 |
概率论与数理统计(三) Probability and Mathematics Statistic(Ⅲ) |
40/2.5 |
40 |
自然科学类选修课程 Restricted Electives in Natural Sciences |
96/6 |
学科基础课程·学科大类基础Basic Courses of Discipline |
必 修 Required |
0503991 |
中国文学 Chinese Literature |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0500112 |
世界文学 World Literature |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0507111 |
世界文明史 The History of World Civilization |
40/2.5 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0100681 |
哲学导论 ,Introduction to Philosophy |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
0300062 |
逻辑学 Logic |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0100133 |
伦理学 Ethics |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0300562 |
法学导论 Introduction to Law |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
0300074 |
社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology |
40/2.5 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0504021 |
传播学原理 Fundamentals of Communication |
40/2.5 |
40 |
学科基础课程·学科(专业)基础 Basic Courses in Discipline |
必 修 Required |
0501671 |
公文写作 Document Writing |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
0300572 |
政治学原理 Fundamentals of Politics |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
1100201 |
公共管理学 Public Administration |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
1101814 |
管理学原理 Management |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
0200032 |
微观经济学 Micro- Economics |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
0301541 |
行政法学 Administration Law |
48/3 |
48 |
续表 |
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
学科基础课程·学科(专业)基础Basic Courses in Discipline |
必 修 Required |
1101212 |
城市管理学 Urban Management |
48/3 |
8 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0200025 |
宏观经济学 Macro-Economics |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
0300045 |
社会研究方法 Social Research Method |
40/2.5 |
8 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
1100031 |
组织行为学 Organizational Behavior |
40/2.5 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0200211 |
公共经济学 Public Economics |
48/3 |
8 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0300642 |
公共政策分析 Public Policy Analysis |
48/3 |
4 |
, |
44 |
必 修 Required |
1100451 |
决策理论与方法 Theories and Methods of Decision Making |
40/2.5 |
8 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
1100351 |
人力资源管理 Human Resource Management |
40/2.5 |
40 |
学科基础选修课程 Electives in Basic Courses in Discipline |
120/ 7.5 |
选 修Elective |
1100192 |
管理心理学 Management Psychology |
32/2 |
32 |
选 修Elective |
1101191 |
管理定量分析 Quantitative Analysis for Management |
40/2.5 |
20 |
20 |
选 修Elective |
1100441 |
会计与财务管理 Accounting and Financial Management |
48/3 |
48 |
专业课程·专业核心课程 Common Core Courses in Specialty |
必 修 Required |
1103232 |
中国政治制度史 The History of
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
1103242 |
西方政治思想史 The History of West Political Thought |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修 Required |
1, 101931 |
当代中国政府与政治 Temporary
48/3 |
8 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
0300581 |
国际政治学 International Politics |
40/2.5 |
40 |
必 修 Required |
1103251 |
电子政务理论与实践 The Theory and Practice of Electronic Government |
48/3 |
8 |
40 |
专业核心选修课程 Common Core Electives in Specialty |
208/13 |
选 修Elective |
0507481 |
网络基础与网络技术 Network Theory and Technology |
48/3 |
20 |
28 |
续表 |
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
专业课程·专业核心课程Common Core Courses in Specialty |
选 修Elective |
0507471 |
网络安全与管理 Network Security and Management |
40/2.5 |
20 |
20 |
选 修Elective |
1103821 |
地方政府学 Local Government Study |
48/3 |
48 |
选 修Elective |
1103242 |
中国政治思想史 History of Chinese Political Thoughts |
48/3 |
48 |
选 修Elective |
1103831 |
比较政治学 Comparative Politics |
48/3 |
48 |
选 修Elective |
1101232 |
城市文化事业管理 City Culture Affair Management |
32/2 |
32 |
选 修Elective |
1100041 |
管理信息系统 Management Information System |
48/3 |
20 |
28 |
选 修Elective |
1101902 |
公共部门战略管理 Strategic Management in Public Sector |
40/2.5 |
40 |
选 修Elective |
0200463 |
法与经济学 Law & Economics |
32/2 |
32 |
专业课程·专业方向课程Specialty-Oriented Courses |
专业方向选修课程 Specialty-Oriented Electives |
144/9 |
必 修 Required |
1102581 |
政府绩效管理 Government Performance Management |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修 Required |
1101101 |
社会中介组织管理 Social Intermediary Organization management |
32/2 |
4 |
28 |
选 修Elective |
1101861 |
政府危机管理 Government Management on Crisis |
40/2.5 |
40 |
选 修Elective |
1102561 |
公务员制度概论 Civil Service System |
32/2 |
32 |
选 修Elective |
1102571 |
领导学 Leadership |
32/2 |
32 |
选 修Elective |
1100181 |
公共关系学 Public Relations |
40/2.5 |
40 |
实践环节 |
必 修 Required |
1300012 |
军事训练 Military Training |
2w/2 |
2w |
必 修 Required |
1300543 |
社会调查 Social Research Practice |
13w/13 |
6w |
2w |
5w |
必 修 Required |
1300455 |
科学研究训练 Science Research Practice |
5w/5 |
2w |
3w |
续表 |
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
Internship and Practical Training |
必 修 Required |
1300021 |
公益劳动 Labouring for Public Benefit |
1w/1 |
1w |
必 修 Required |
1300084 |
生产实习 Engineering Internship |
4w/4 |
4w |
必 修 Required |
1300035 |
毕业论文 Undergraduate Project |
15w/15 |
15w |
Undergraduate Program for the Second Specialty in
Political Science and Public Administration
Ⅰ.Educational Objectives
This program intends to cultivate students with theoretical qualities in Marxism, as well as basic theories and knowledge in political science and public administration. Students should understand basic fundamentals and methods of modern economics and management, possess skillful abilities in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, are enable to work as advanced political specialists in organizations involving foreign countries or nationals, Party and government organizations, press and publishing organizations, business and facilities, and social organization.
Ⅱ.Degree Conferred
Bachelor of Law
Minimum Course Credits:50
学科(专业)基础课程:15.5 学分
Basic Courses in Discipline:15.5
Common Core Courses in Specialty:15.5
Specialty-Oriented Courses:9
Undergraduate Thesis:10
Ⅳ.Table of Teaching Schedule
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
学科(专业)基础课程Courses in Discipline |
必 修Required |
1102561 |
公务员制度概论 Civil Service System |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修Required |
1100201 |
公共管理学 Public Administration |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1100044 |
管理信息系统 Management Information Systems |
56/3.5 |
28 |
28 |
必 修Required |
0301541 |
行政法学 Administration Law |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1101292 |
管理文秘 Management Secretary Science |
32/2 |
32 |
必 修Required |
0301551 |
社会调查与统计 Social survey and statistics |
32/2 |
32 |
专业核心课程 Common Core Courses in Specialty |
必 修Required |
1101922 |
中外政治制度史及制度分析 Comparative History of Political and System analysis |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1100353 |
人力资源管理 Human Resource Management |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
0200215 |
公共经济学 Public Economics |
56/3.5 |
8 |
48 |
必 修Required |
0300642 |
公共政策分析 Public Policy Analysis |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1101931 |
当代中国政治与政府 Temporary
and Government |
48/3 |
48 |
专业方向课程Specialty-Oriented Courses |
必 修Required |
1101102 |
社会中介组织管理 Social Intermediary Organization management |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1101212 |
城市管理学 Urban Management |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1101831 |
电子政务 Electronic Government |
48/3 |
20 |
28 |
实践环节Internship and Practical Training |
必 修Required |
1300068 |
毕业论文 Undergraduate Thesis |
10w/10 |
10w |
Undergraduate Program for Auxiliary Specialty in
Political Science and Public Administration
Ⅰ.Educational Objectives
This program intends to cultivate students with theoretical qualities in Marxism, as well as basic theories and knowledge in political science and public administration. Students should understand basic fundamentals and methods of modern economics and management, possess skillful abilities in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, are enable to work as advanced political specialists in organizations involving foreign countries or nationals, Party and government organizations, press and publishing organizations, business and facilities, and social organization.
Minimum Course Credits:25
Basic Courses in Discipline:9.5
Courses in Specialty:15.5
Ⅳ.Table of Teaching Schedule
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
学科基础课程Basic Courses in Discipline |
必 修Required |
0301541 |
行政法学 Administration Law |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1100201 |
公共管理学 Public Administration |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1100044 |
管理信息系统 Management Information Systems |
56/3.5 |
28 |
28 |
必 修Required |
1100353 |
人力资源管理 Human Resource Management |
48/3 |
48 |
续表 |
课程 类别 Course Classi- fied |
课程 性质 Course Nature |
课程 代码 Course Code |
课程名称 Course Name |
学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs |
其中 Including |
各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester |
课外 Extra-cur. |
实验 Exp. |
上机 Oper- ation |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
学科专业课程 Courses in Specialty |
必 修Required |
1101922 |
中外政治制度史及制度分析 Comparative History of Political System and System Analysis |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1101212 |
城市管理学 Urban Management |
48/3 |
48 |
必 修Required |
0200215 |
公共经济学 Public Economics |
56/3.5 |
8 |
48 |
必 修Required |
1101931 |
当代中国政治与政府 Temporary
48/3 |
48 |